About Us

Sarah’s Studio

Sarah’s studio is a mobile art studio bringing art to you. We offer after school art lessons at local schools in New Zealand and home art lesson kits delivered to your door. We have our online Video Hub where people around the world can use our video lessons and wonderful artworks in their classrooms, homeschooling cohorts or just simply use the lessons at home with their creative kids.

Our Main Objective

We have a heart to bring art to as many families and children as we can. We want to make art accessible and give the next generation a chance to practice creativity and have fun while doing it. Our studio is made up of qualified teachers, who have a creative flair and all our lessons have been taught multiple times in various settings. Our lessons teach various formal techniques, introduce young artists to historic art but also have fun process driven lessons to bring out students creative sides.

About Sarah…

It all begins with an idea…

I’ve always wanted to own my own art studio and here it is, a dream come true. I'm an artist, trained in graphics, who worked in an animation studio, then worked as an exhibition designer, illustrated books and then later I trained and worked as a primary school teacher. I’ve been involved in teaching primary aged children in various capacities for 12 years.

Put all those experiences together and here is Sarah’s studio, a place I hope will inspire young people in their creative journeys and enable our teachers to live out some of their own creative dreams. I’m also a busy mum of some wonderfully creative kids. I firmly believe that everyone has a creative side to them and tapping into this helps us all (but especially young people), to regulate emotions, express themselves and gain a sense of accomplishment in completing an art work.

Creativity is needed in almost every sphere of life. It’s needed to solve complex business problems, necessary in town planning and office layouts, vital in scientific breakthroughs and in ways we approach climate change to name a few. If we can teach the next generation to practice creativity, imagine the greatness we are setting them up for. Malcom Gladwell in his Book ‘Outliers’ says that “it takes 10,000 hours of intensive practice to achieve mastery of a complex skill, like playing the violin.” At Sarah’s Studio we aim to provide children with the opportunity to practice creativity, in whatever form we can think of, for as many hours as they can, so that they can take this skill with them into the future that awaits them and use it in whatever field they find themselves in.

Join us in making this a reality and sign up for a class, order an art box, or join our Members Video Hub.

Contact us for more information or if you have any other questions.

Let’s get our kids creating.

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